Pyexcel data renderers

There exist a few data renderers for pyexcel data. This chapter will walk you through them.

View pyexcel data in ndjson and other formats

With pyexcel-text, you can get pyexcel data in newline delimited json, normal json and other formats.

View the pyexcel data in a browser

You can use pyexcel-handsontable to render your data.

Include excel data in your python documentation

sphinxcontrib-excel help you present your excel data in various formats inside your sphinx documentation.

Draw charts from your excel data

pyexcel-pygal helps you with all charting options and give you charts in svg format.

pyexcel-echarts draws 2D, 3D, geo charts from pyexcel data and has awesome animations too, but it is under development.

pyexcel-matplotlib helps you with scientific charts and is under developmement.

Gantt chart visualization for your excel data

`pyexcel-gantt`_ is a specialist renderer for gantt chart.