Developer’s guide

Here’s the architecture of pyexcel


Pull requests are welcome.

Development steps for code changes

  1. git clone
  2. cd pyexcel

Upgrade your setup tools and pip. They are needed for development and testing only:

  1. pip install –upgrade setuptools “pip==7.1”

Then install relevant development requirements:

  1. pip install -r rnd_requirements.txt # if such a file exists
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

In order to update test environment, and documentation, additional setps are required:

  1. pip install moban
  2. git clone commons
  3. make your changes in .moban.d directory, then issue command moban

What is rnd_requirements.txt

Usually, it is created when a dependent library is not released. Once the dependecy is installed(will be released), the future version of the dependency in the requirements.txt will be valid.

What is pyexcel-commons

Many information that are shared across pyexcel projects, such as: this developer guide, license info, etc. are stored in pyexcel-commons project.

What is .moban.d

.moban.d stores the specific meta data for the library.

How to test your contribution

Although nose and doctest are both used in code testing, it is adviable that unit tests are put in tests. doctest is incorporated only to make sure the code examples in documentation remain valid across different development releases.

On Linux/Unix systems, please launch your tests like this:

$ make test

On Windows systems, please issue this command:

> test.bat

Acceptance criteria

  1. Has fair amount of documentation
  2. Has Test cases written
  3. Has all code lines tested
  4. Passes all Travis CI builds
  5. Pythonic code please
  6. Agree on NEW BSD License for your contribution