How to inject csv data to database

Here is real case in the stack-overflow. Due to the author’s ignorance, the user would like to have the code in matlab than Python. Hence, I am sharing my pyexcel solution here.

Problem definition

Here is my CSV file:

PDB_Id      123442  234335  234336  3549867
a001        6       0       0       8
b001        4       2       0       0
c003        0       0       0       5

I want to put this data in a MYSQL table in the form:

a001            123442          6
a001            234335          0
a001            234336          0
a001            3549867         8
b001            123442          4
b001            234335          2
b001            234336          0
b001            234336          0
c003            123442          0
c003            234335          0
c003            234336          0
c003            3549867         5

I have created table with the following code:

         Protein_ID CHAR(20),
         PROTEIN_KEY INT ,

I need the code for insert.

Pyexcel solution

If you could insert an id field to act as the primary key, it can be mapped using sqlalchemy’s ORM:

$ sqlite3 /tmp/stack2.db
   ...>          ID INT,
   ...>          Protein_ID CHAR(20),
   ...>          PROTEIN_KEY INT,
   ...>          VALUE_OF_KEY INT
   ...>          );

Here is the data mapping script vis sqlalchemy:

>>> # mapping your database via sqlalchemy
>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
>>> from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
>>> # checkout
>>> # for a different database server
>>> engine = create_engine("sqlite:////tmp/stack2.db")
>>> Base = declarative_base()
>>> class Proteins(Base):
...     __tablename__ = 'ALLPROTEINS'
...     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) # <-- appended field
...     protein_id = Column(String(20))
...     protein_key = Column(Integer)
...     value_of_key = Column(Integer)
>>> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

Here is the short script to get data inserted into the database:

>>> import pyexcel as p
>>> from itertools import product
>>> # data insertion code starts here
>>> sheet = p.get_sheet(file_name="csv-to-mysql-in-matlab-code.csv", delimiter='\t')
>>> sheet.name_columns_by_row(0)
>>> sheet.name_rows_by_column(0)
>>> print(sheet)
|      | 123442 | 234335 | 234336 | 3549867 |
| a001 | 6      | 0      | 0      | 8       |
| b001 | 4      | 2      | 0      | 0       |
| c003 | 0      | 0      | 0      | 5       |
>>> results = []
>>> for protein_id, protein_key in product(sheet.rownames, sheet.colnames):
...     results.append([protein_id, protein_key, sheet[str(protein_id), protein_key]])
>>> sheet2 = p.get_sheet(array=results)
>>> sheet2.colnames = ['protein_id', 'protein_key', 'value_of_key']
>>> print(sheet2)
| protein_id | protein_key | value_of_key |
| a001       | 123442      | 6            |
| a001       | 234335      | 0            |
| a001       | 234336      | 0            |
| a001       | 3549867     | 8            |
| b001       | 123442      | 4            |
| b001       | 234335      | 2            |
| b001       | 234336      | 0            |
| b001       | 3549867     | 0            |
| c003       | 123442      | 0            |
| c003       | 234335      | 0            |
| c003       | 234336      | 0            |
| c003       | 3549867     | 5            |
>>> sheet2.save_to_database(session=Session(), table=Proteins)

Here is the data inserted:

$ sqlite3 /tmp/stack2.db
sqlite> select * from allproteins
   ...> ;