Source code for pyexcel.sheets.sheet


    Building on top of matrix, adding named columns and rows support

    :copyright: (c) 2014-2015 by Onni Software Ltd.
    :license: New BSD License, see LICENSE for more details
import sys

import pyexcel._compact as compact
import pyexcel.constants as constants
from pyexcel.sources import SheetMeta, save_sheet
from .matrix import Matrix
from .row import Row as NamedRow
from .column import Column as NamedColumn

[docs]class Sheet(compact.with_metaclass(SheetMeta, Matrix)): """Two dimensional data container for filtering, formatting and iteration :class:`Sheet` is a container for a two dimensional array, where individual cell can be any Python types. Other than numbers, value of these types: string, date, time and boolean can be mixed in the array. This differs from Numpy's matrix where each cell are of the same number type. In order to prepare two dimensional data for your computation, formatting functions help convert array cells to required types. Formatting can be applied not only to the whole sheet but also to selected rows or columns. Custom conversion function can be passed to these formatting functions. For example, to remove extra spaces surrounding the content of a cell, a custom function is required. Filtering functions are used to reduce the information contained in the array. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sheet=None, name=constants.DEFAULT_NAME, name_columns_by_row=-1, name_rows_by_column=-1, colnames=None, rownames=None, transpose_before=False, transpose_after=False): """Constructor :param sheet: two dimensional array :param name: this becomes the sheet name. :param name_columns_by_row: use a row to name all columns :param name_rows_by_column: use a column to name all rows :param colnames: use an external list of strings to name the columns :param rownames: use an external list of strings to name the rows """ self.init( sheet=sheet, name=name, name_columns_by_row=name_columns_by_row, name_rows_by_column=name_rows_by_column, colnames=colnames, rownames=rownames, transpose_before=transpose_before, transpose_after=transpose_after )
def init(self, sheet=None, name=constants.DEFAULT_NAME, name_columns_by_row=-1, name_rows_by_column=-1, colnames=None, rownames=None, transpose_before=False, transpose_after=False): """custom initialization functions examples:: >>> import pyexcel as pe >>> data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] >>> sheet = pe.Sheet(data) >>> sheet.row[1] [4, 5, 6] >>> sheet.row[0:3] [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] >>> sheet.row += [11, 12, 13] >>> sheet.row[3] [11, 12, 13] >>> sheet.row[0:4] = [0, 0, 0] # set all to zero >>> sheet.row[3] [0, 0, 0] >>> sheet.row[0] = ['a', 'b', 'c'] # set one row >>> sheet.row[0] ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> del sheet.row[0] # delete first row >>> sheet.row[0] # now, second row becomes the first [0, 0, 0] >>> del sheet.row[0:] >>> sheet.row[0] # nothing left Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError """ # this get rid of phatom data by not specifying sheet if sheet is None: sheet = [] Matrix.__init__(self, sheet) if transpose_before: self.transpose() = name self._column_names = [] self._row_names = [] self.row = NamedRow(self) self.column = NamedColumn(self) if name_columns_by_row != -1: if colnames: raise NotImplementedError( constants.MESSAGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_02) self.name_columns_by_row(name_columns_by_row) else: if colnames: self._column_names = colnames if name_rows_by_column != -1: if rownames: raise NotImplementedError( constants.MESSAGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_02) self.name_rows_by_column(name_rows_by_column) else: if rownames: self._row_names = rownames if transpose_after: self.transpose()
[docs] def name_columns_by_row(self, row_index): """Use the elements of a specified row to represent individual columns The specified row will be deleted from the data :param int row_index: the index of the row that has the column names """ self.row_index = row_index self._column_names = make_names_unique(self.row_at(row_index)) del self.row[row_index]
[docs] def name_rows_by_column(self, column_index): """Use the elements of a specified column to represent individual rows The specified column will be deleted from the data :param int column_index: the index of the column that has the row names """ self.column_index = column_index self._row_names = make_names_unique(self.column_at(column_index)) del self.column[column_index]
@property def colnames(self): """Return column names""" return self._column_names @colnames.setter def colnames(self, value): """Set column names""" self._column_names = make_names_unique(value) @property def rownames(self): """Return row names""" return self._row_names @rownames.setter def rownames(self, value): """Set row names""" self._row_names = make_names_unique(value)
[docs] def named_column_at(self, name): """Get a column by its name """ index = name if compact.is_string(type(index)): index = self.colnames.index(name) column_array = self.column_at(index) return column_array
[docs] def set_named_column_at(self, name, column_array): """ Take the first row as column names Given name to identify the column index, set the column to the given array except the column name. """ index = name if compact.is_string(type(index)): index = self.colnames.index(name) self.set_column_at(index, column_array)
[docs] def delete_columns(self, column_indices): """Delete one or more columns :param list column_indices: a list of column indices """ Matrix.delete_columns(self, column_indices) if len(self._column_names) > 0: new_series = [self._column_names[i] for i in range(0, len(self._column_names)) if i not in column_indices] self._column_names = new_series
[docs] def delete_rows(self, row_indices): """Delete one or more rows :param list row_indices: a list of row indices """ Matrix.delete_rows(self, row_indices) if len(self._row_names) > 0: new_series = [self._row_names[i] for i in range(0, len(self._row_names)) if i not in row_indices] self._row_names = new_series
[docs] def delete_named_column_at(self, name): """Works only after you named columns by a row Given name to identify the column index, set the column to the given array except the column name. :param str name: a column name """ if isinstance(name, int): if len(self.rownames) > 0: self.rownames.pop(name) self.delete_columns([name]) else: index = self.colnames.index(name) self.colnames.pop(index) Matrix.delete_columns(self, [index])
[docs] def named_row_at(self, name): """Get a row by its name """ index = name # if is_string(type(index)): index = self.rownames.index(name) row_array = self.row_at(index) return row_array
[docs] def set_named_row_at(self, name, row_array): """ Take the first column as row names Given name to identify the row index, set the row to the given array except the row name. """ index = name if compact.is_string(type(index)): index = self.rownames.index(name) self.set_row_at(index, row_array)
[docs] def delete_named_row_at(self, name): """Take the first column as row names Given name to identify the row index, set the row to the given array except the row name. """ if isinstance(name, int): if len(self.rownames) > 0: self.rownames.pop(name) self.delete_rows([name]) else: index = self.rownames.index(name) self.rownames.pop(index) Matrix.delete_rows(self, [index])
[docs] def extend_rows(self, rows): """Take ordereddict to extend named rows :param ordereddist/list rows: a list of rows. """ incoming_data = [] if isinstance(rows, compact.OrderedDict): keys = rows.keys() for k in keys: self.rownames.append(k) incoming_data.append(rows[k]) Matrix.extend_rows(self, incoming_data) elif len(self.rownames) > 0: raise TypeError( constants.MESSAGE_DATA_ERROR_ORDEREDDICT_IS_EXPECTED) else: Matrix.extend_rows(self, rows)
def extend_columns_with_rows(self, rows): """Put rows on the right most side of the data""" if len(self.colnames) > 0: headers = rows.pop(self.row_index) self._column_names += headers Matrix.extend_columns_with_rows(self, rows)
[docs] def extend_columns(self, columns): """Take ordereddict to extend named columns :param ordereddist/list columns: a list of columns """ incoming_data = [] if isinstance(columns, compact.OrderedDict): keys = columns.keys() for k in keys: self.colnames.append(k) incoming_data.append(columns[k]) Matrix.extend_columns(self, incoming_data) elif len(self.colnames) > 0: raise TypeError( constants.MESSAGE_DATA_ERROR_ORDEREDDICT_IS_EXPECTED) else: Matrix.extend_columns(self, columns)
def to_array(self): """Returns an array after filtering""" ret = [] ret += list(self.rows()) if len(self.rownames) > 0: ret = map(lambda value: [value[0]] + value[1], zip(self.rownames, ret)) if not compact.PY2: ret = list(ret) if len(self.colnames) > 0: if len(self.rownames) > 0: ret.insert(0, [""] + self.colnames) else: ret.insert(0, self.colnames) return ret def to_records(self, custom_headers=None): """ Make an array of dictionaries It takes the first row as keys and the rest of the rows as values. Then zips keys and row values per each row. This is particularly helpful for database operations. """ ret = [] if len(self.colnames) > 0: if custom_headers: headers = custom_headers else: headers = self.colnames for row in self.rows(): the_dict = dict(zip(headers, row)) ret.append(the_dict) elif len(self.rownames) > 0: if custom_headers: headers = custom_headers else: headers = self.rownames for column in self.columns(): the_dict = dict(zip(headers, column)) ret.append(the_dict) else: raise ValueError( constants.MESSAGE_DATA_ERROR_NO_SERIES) return ret def to_dict(self, row=False): """Returns a dictionary""" the_dict = compact.OrderedDict() if len(self.colnames) > 0 and row is False: for column in self.named_columns(): the_dict.update(column) elif len(self.rownames) > 0: for row in self.named_rows(): the_dict.update(row) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") return the_dict
[docs] def __getitem__(self, aset): if isinstance(aset, tuple): if isinstance(aset[0], str): row = self.rownames.index(aset[0]) else: row = aset[0] if isinstance(aset[1], str): column = self.colnames.index(aset[1]) else: column = aset[1] return self.cell_value(row, column) else: return Matrix.__getitem__(self, aset)
def __setitem__(self, aset, c): if isinstance(aset, tuple): if isinstance(aset[0], str): row = self.rownames.index(aset[0]) else: row = aset[0] if isinstance(aset[1], str): column = self.colnames.index(aset[1]) else: column = aset[1] self.cell_value(row, column, c) else: Matrix.__setitem__(self, aset, c) def named_rows(self): for row_name in self._row_names: yield {row_name: self.row[row_name]} def named_columns(self): for column_name in self._column_names: yield {column_name: self.column[column_name]} class _RepresentedString: def __init__(self, text): self.text = text def __repr__(self): return self.text def __str__(self): return self.text def __repr__(self): if compact.PY2: default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() if default_encoding == "ascii": result = self.texttable return result.encode('utf-8') return self.texttable def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() @property def content(self): """ Plain representation without headers """ content = self.get_texttable(write_title=False) return self._RepresentedString(content)
[docs] def save_as(self, filename, **keywords): """Save the content to a named file Keywords may vary depending on your file type, because the associated file type employs different library. for csv, `fmtparams < library/csv.html#dialects-and-formatting-parameters>`_ are accepted for xls, 'auto_detect_int', 'encoding' and 'style_compression' are supported for ods, 'auto_detect_int' is supported """ return save_sheet(self, file_name=filename, **keywords)
[docs] def save_to_memory(self, file_type, stream=None, **keywords): """Save the content to memory :param str file_type: any value of 'csv', 'tsv', 'csvz', 'tsvz', 'xls', 'xlsm', 'xlsm', 'ods' :param iostream stream: the memory stream to be written to. Note in Python 3, for csv and tsv format, please pass an instance of StringIO. For xls, xlsx, and ods, an instance of BytesIO. """ get_method = getattr(self, "get_%s" % file_type) content = get_method(file_stream=stream, **keywords) return content
def save_to_django_model(self, model, initializer=None, mapdict=None, batch_size=None): """Save to database table through django model :param model: a database model :param initializer: a initialization functions for your model :param mapdict: custom map dictionary for your data columns :param batch_size: a parameter to Django concerning the size of data base set """ save_sheet(self, model=model, initializer=initializer, mapdict=mapdict, batch_size=batch_size)
[docs] def save_to_database(self, session, table, initializer=None, mapdict=None, auto_commit=True): """Save data in sheet to database table :param session: database session :param table: a database table :param initializer: a initialization functions for your table :param mapdict: custom map dictionary for your data columns :param auto_commit: by default, data is committed. """ save_sheet(self, session=session, table=table, initializer=initializer, mapdict=mapdict, auto_commit=auto_commit)
def make_names_unique(alist): duplicates = {} new_names = [] for item in alist: if not compact.is_string(type(item)): item = str(item) if item in duplicates: duplicates[item] = duplicates[item] + 1 new_names.append("%s-%d" % (item, duplicates[item])) else: duplicates[item] = 0 new_names.append(item) return new_names