Change log

0.2.5 - 31.08.2016


  1. # 58: texttable should have been made as compulsory requirement

0.2.4 - 14.07.2016


  1. For python 2, writing to sys.stdout by pyexcel-cli raise IOError.

0.2.3 - 11.07.2016


  1. For python 3, do not seek 0 when saving to memory if sys.stdout is passed on. Hence, adding support for sys.stdin and sys.stdout.

0.2.2 - 01.06.2016


  1. Explicit imports, no longer needed
  2. Depends on latest setuptools 18.0.1
  3. NotImplementedError will be raised if parameters to core functions are not supported, e.g. get_sheet(cannot_find_me_option=”will be thrown out as NotImplementedError”)

0.2.1 - 23.04.2016


  1. add pyexcel-text file types as attributes of pyexcel.Sheet and pyexcel.Book, related to issue 31
  2. auto import pyexcel-text if it is pip installed


  1. code refactored sources for easy addition of sources.
  2. bug fix issue 29, Even if the format is a string it is displayed as a float
  3. pyexcel-text is no longer a plugin to pyexcel-io but to pyexcel.sources, see pyexcel-text issue #22


  1. pyexcel.presentation is removed. No longer the internal decorate @outsource is used. related to issue 31

0.2.0 - 17.01.2016


  1. adopt pyexcel-io yield key word to return generator as content
  2. pyexcel.save_as and pyexcel.save_book_as get performance imporvements